Today we opened up ourselves to just that. We wanted to go out street witnessing, but prayed for a leading and guiding. We felt led to go to a local skate park to practice our drama's and witness to any who show up. When we got there it started to sprinkle. I was like, CMON ALREADY!! But instead of giving in to my flesh, I prayed for the rain to go away and the chance to share here. A ton of youth ended up coming to the park. Some came with their parents. Allison got to speak to a large group of kids, all boys. It was fun to watch. She walked over to two boys and sat next to them. She handed them both tracts and started to talk to them. Within minutes, like irresistible magnetism, about 8 other boys rushed over to where she was. I told her that I discovered the secret to gathering a large group of young boys. Its simply to be a cute girl. Since I'm not a cute girl, I chose to engage the older parents. :)
We also got to practice our skits which were watched by alot of the kids at the park. Mike got to speak with one parent who turned out to be a non-religious person. He shared the gospel of Christ with her and left her with some literature.
Later on we headed back out to Salt Lake City to participate in the Heart of the Matter television show ( This show is an outreach to the LDS that Shawn McCraney hosts every Tuesday night. We were invited to have pizza and participate in the prayer meeting that takes place before the show. In addition, we were to be part of the studio audience. But, as God would have it, Mallisa was asked if she would like to be a guest on the show itself and give her testimony. Well, after a little bit of nervousness, she agreed. It was awesome to see her give her testimony with boldness and passion to a television audience of 75000 households. I was back in the audience and I was nervous!
After the show, we went to Denny's (which happened to be the same one where I bought dinner for the two homeless Navajos) to sit and meet with people who had watched the show. There was one LDS girl who showed up that Mike got to speak with and LEAD TO THE LORD!! How rad is that! I've been on three other mission trips, which all had the goal of leading people to the Lord, but never actually got to. Now, we've had the opportunity to lead TWO people to Him! In the first week! Phenomenal!!
The other really great thing that has been happening, is that the guys on our trip are so in love with Jesus. Billy keeps leading us in worship in the car. He starts us off with "King Jesus is all.." and "You cant get to Pastor Garry's cant get to Pastor Garry's .....caaaaarrrrrrrr....You cant get to heaven in Pastor Garry's cars, cuz Pastor Garry's car cant get that far..All my sins are washed away, I've been redeemed."
The unity that this team has is beyond incredible. No matter how the enemy has tried, we remain united by love. Respect runs rampant, the guys are gentlemen, the girls are ladies and everybody gets along. Praise God.
- nathan
Dear friends,
May the grace, mercy, and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Because,"All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the
flower of the grass. The grass withers,and its flower falls away,
But the word of the LORD Endures forever.”
Deanna :)
Ooops! That verse is from 1 Peter 1:24-25
Deanna :)
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